Being told you need glaucoma surgery can lead to a lot of questions. You may ask yourself, “How much does glaucoma surgery cost?” or “What is the risk of complications?” Fortunately, our team is here to answer all of your questions.
Glaucoma surgery is covered by private medical insurance and Medicare since it’s medically necessary. You will still need to cover out-of-pocket costs such as co-pays, deductibles, and coinsurance costs. There are risks to any medical procedure, including glaucoma surgery. Fortunately, risks are rare and the benefits far outweigh them.
How Much Does Glaucoma Surgery Cost?
Since it’s medically necessary, glaucoma treatment is covered by your private medical insurance as well as through Medicare. This helps ensure that you’re not paying completely out-of-pocket for your glaucoma surgery costs.
However, it’s important to understand that glaucoma surgery isn’t usually covered by your vision insurance provider. Any out-of-pocket costs will depend on your provider and plan, so make sure to talk with them beforehand about:
- Co-pays
- Deductibles
- Coinsurance costs
Not all forms of glaucoma treatment cost the same. For instance, laser surgery for glaucoma is often a cheaper option than surgical options that require incisions.
Click here to read our deep dive into glaucoma surgery in Knoxville!
Paying for Glaucoma Surgery in Knoxville

The administrative team at Tennessee Valley Eye Center is here to walk you step by step through paying for surgery. We accept nearly all medical insurance plans and work to make sure that you’re aware of all of your options. We place a high priority on transparency and strive to give our patients the highest quality of care.
No one likes a surprise on their medical bill. That’s why our administrative team will notify you ahead of time about your estimated cost of glaucoma surgery whenever possible. This way you know what to expect when it comes to your portion of financial responsibility for the procedure.
Keep in mind that any estimated prices are only for our facility. You may also receive a bill from:
- Your surgeon
- Anesthesia group
- Pathologist
Other fees for special billable supplies that may impact your responsibility include:
- Medications
- Implants
- Other procedures
In the end, your total out-of-pocket cost will be determined by your insurance provider. This will be after receiving and processing your claim based on your benefits and their negotiated rates.
We have partnered with Medfinancial, a local Knoxville company, to help make costs more affordable. This partnership will help make your out-of-pocket costs more manageable by providing patient-centric payment plants.
Patients who qualify will be able to repay their balance over time with some plans allowing up to five years. There are no hidden fees with some plans being interest-free. You also don’t have to worry about your credit score being affected when taking advantage of Medfinancial’s services.
To learn more about our financial services, click here!
Glaucoma Surgery Side Effects

Any type of surgical procedure has some risks and glaucoma surgery is no different. Fortunately, glaucoma treatments have a very high rate of success in reducing pressure within the eye. Whether you’re undergoing minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS), laser trabeculoplasty, or trabeculectomy, you can be confident in your procedure.
While rare, complications from glaucoma surgery are still possible. They can include:
- Infections
- Bleeding
- Scarring
- Cataracts
- Low eye pressure
- Vision loss
Patients can find comfort and confidence in how rare glaucoma surgery-related complications are. However, it’s important to understand that there is still some level of risk involved. You can trust that your surgeon will recommend a type of surgery that will provide the best possible outcome.
You can do your part by asking your surgeon about risks beforehand. They will be able to explain what to expect, the risk of complications, as well as how to address them on the rare chance that they occur.
Once you’ve been diagnosed with glaucoma, you will require regular checkups to gauge how effective a treatment is and determine if you need more. Glaucoma surgery can’t cure the disease. However, it can slow or even stop its progression when successful. By working with your eye surgeon, you can protect yourself from permanent nerve damage and vision loss.
Do you need to speak with a glaucoma specialist in Knoxville? Contact us today with any questions you may have!
As a medically necessary procedure, glaucoma surgery is covered by Medicare and your private medical insurance. You will still be responsible for out-of-pocket costs such as co-pays and deductibles. As with all medical procedures, there is some risk of complications. However, the benefits of glaucoma surgery far outweigh any of its risks.
Tennessee Valley Eye Center is Knoxville’s premier eye care facility, performing more eye surgeries than any other facility in the region. Our board-certified surgeons cover all ophthalmic subspecialties, including cataracts, cornea, glaucoma, retina, eyelid disorders and cancers, and eye muscle surgeries. We want you to feel as comfortable and confident as possible as you prepare for surgery. If you would like to discuss your surgery with us at any time, please do not hesitate to contact us.